Financial Coaching

For Individuals, Couples, Families, Groups and Businesses
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My Coaching Services

“But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7

Initial Consultation

Emergency Funds

Coaching Sessions

Planning to Buy a House

Personalized Monthly Budget

Sinking Funds

Debt Payoff

Retirement and Beyond

How Do I Know If I Need a Financial Coach?

What is FINANCIAL Coaching?

Financial Coaching is your key to a worry-free future, it provides the necessary tools in personal finance, sets the stage in achieving your goals, and helps you leave behind a legacy long to be remembered.

How Do I Know if financial Coaching Is Right for Me?

Financial Coaching is about helping you find the tools necessary to enjoy life without being worried that there is too much month at the end of your paycheck, it helps you take control of your life; if you ever felt that your hard work doesn’t seem to be rewarded or you want to make sure the plan you have been using is in line with your goals, and reevaluate it’s potential, then FINANCIAL COACHING is right for you! 

Do You Offer Ongoing Coaching Services?

Yes, I offer ongoing coaching services that fit your needs.

About Alexandra Diana Oneata

financial Coach

I have always wanted to help people, and since I was a little girl, I participated in different activities that involved giving back to my community; I graduated from the University of Bucharest with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work, and that set the foundation to what my calling is in life: to provide for others, and give them the tools to build a worry-free future! There is no greater joy for me than seeing others accomplish their dreams, and becoming a Financial Coach is definitely a humble role in this journey. As a financial guide, my focus will be to make sure the plan I believe in will positively impact those who look for financial stability, I will encourage, and inject hope in those who feel hopeless or worried, and for those who dream big.